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Custom Tastings

Everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy bourbon. Whether you are going to a restaurant, a distillery, or just enjoying at home, bourbon is an enjoyable experience. My offer to you is the experience of having a custom curated tasting built just for you. Anything from bottle recommendations to full tasting note and flight breakdowns, food pairings and personal thoughts, I can build it for you. For those truly passionate, I even offer in person experiences, whether it be gatherings, events, or just for fun. So many of those subscription services are cookie cutter or impersonal. I will create something special just for you and your event. 

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Disclaimer: Some information on this site is taken directly from the websites of the distilleries. They have sole ownership of that content and the bourbon that is associated with their brands. This website is for educational and documentation purposes only. Any reviews or videos posted fall under the ownership of the Bourbon On The Brain brand and should not be used without the express written consent of Bourbon On The Brain.  

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